Ottogi Dried Pollack Soup (1.2 oz/ 2 servings) 오뚜기 맛있는 북어국 2 인분

Cooking Directions 1. Mix the dried contents with 700 cc (3 1/2 cups) of water and let it boil. 2. After it starts to boil, let it boil for another 1 …

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Ottogi Dried Pollack Soup (1.2 oz/ 2 servings) 오뚜기 맛있는 북어국 2 인분

Cooking Directions 1. Mix the dried contents with 700 cc (3 1/2 cups) of water and let it boil. 2. After it starts to boil, let it boil for another 1 minute. 3. The food is ready to serve.

    • Ottogi Dried Pollack Soup
    • Dried Pollack, Malto Dexirin, Lactose, Corn Starch, Salt
    • Delicious soup composed of superior quality of dried pollack, eggs, and green pepper.
    • 19oz (17g x 2 packs) for 2 servings

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